Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
Critical Incident Stress Management
Staffcare has an extensive team of CISM trained practitioners throughout Ireland enabling us to provide a timely and flexible response, dependent on the situation. Staffcare has amassed considerable experience delivering CISM support following complex and distressing incidents through its contracts to provide CISM training, interventions, and follow up counselling support to fire fighters, paramedics, bank staff, schools, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and government departments.
Pre-Critical Incident Service
Staffcare can deliver planning, awareness raising, education and training as part of your organisational CISM strategy. This ensures key staff are prepared and know what to do in the event of a major incident, ensuring your organisation’s response to a critical incident is both rapid and appropriate, limiting the psychological damage which those affected may experience.
Post-Critical Incident Service
Staffcare provides the full range of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) services, including the provision of defusings and debriefings. All CISM practitioners are fully trained and adhere to ICISF protocols and ethical standards at all times. Staffcare is a member of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) and has a team of ICISF accredited instructors and practitioners.